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Space2Create relies on dedicated volunteers to support the running of the charity. From soup making to picture hanging, weekly accounts, session support, creative ideas and day to day cleaning and tidying.
Each of our creative sessions is supported by a volunteer. The role of a session volunteer is to welcome S2C members when they arrive, make hot drinks, work alongside members during the creative sessions, offer support if required and carry out additional tasks to support the day to day running of the charity.
Some individuals attending S2C require additional support during a creative session. The role of a 1 : 1 support volunteer is to work alongside individuals and provide support and guidance as required.
Each week, our members have the option of staying for our community lunch on a Wednesday from 12-12.45. We serve a variety of home made soups and cakes. The role of a community lunch volunteer is to make soups and cakes (sometimes in advance), serve lunch and wash up afterwards.
The role of an exhibition volunteer is to help select, mount and frame artwork ready for upcoming events and exhibitions. They also help hang artwork in various locations including nearby doctors surgeries and the Space2Create gallery.
Fundraising volunteers help organise and run events to raise much needed funds for the charity. For example; Pizza and Quiz Nights , Christmas Fairs, Coffee Mornings and individual challenges.